Existence of Money
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- Category: Learn
- Published on Wednesday, 27 November 2024 12:11
- Written by Super User
- Hits: 3420
Does any concept of "Money" even exist?
A dialogue between Marc Gauvin and a friend
By Marc Gauvin
Friend: Well, let us see if that is true (that money doesn't exist). Science works by hypothesis testing, right?
Marc: Yes, but that requires the following ordered steps:
- Clearly stating one’s hypothesis. What are you trying to prove?
- State the methods and/or experimental design and exactly how they relate to the hypothesis without assuming anything i.e. everything referred to must be objectively defined i.e. understood in a way anyone else can determine on their own. For example, cherry picking conclusions from references is pseudo science, unless the methods used to arrive at those referred conclusions are objectively evaluated and unequivocally related to one’s methods and experiment to test the hypothesis.
- Perform the experiment in a way anyone else can replicate under the same conditions such that the hypothesis is proven or disproven identically no matter who or where the experiment is performed.
Friend: So interest is always a cashflow from poor to rich: confirmed by Margrit Kennedy's data and many other data.
Marc: No, “interest” IS ONLY an arbitrary coefficient applied to a quantity of undefined units in an arbitrary mathematical formula.
Friend: Science?
Marc: You have presented no hypothesis, no experimental design or method and no necessary relation to the hypothesis. Therefore, so far zero science just assertions.
Friend: Moreover, when I have money, I go to the store and buy bread. Empirically tested.
Marc: Here you are making the existence of "money" contingent on the existence of a particular behaviour, without qualifying the source of the behaviour i.e. without any explanation of what existence consists of and how it can be proven, correlation is insufficient to prove anything.Example:
The existence of a behaviour “W” in no way proves/tests the existence of any thing “A", unless W can be shown to be necessarily caused by the properties of A i.e. not just correlated with A. That is, one must prove the prior (independent) existence of A in order for W to be a function of A and therefore prove the existence of A from W.A thing must have existence first before we can attribute any behaviour to it. Things with independent existence of humans already exist, have perceivable properties that can be shown to cause associated behaviours that are functions of those properties. This is true for both physical phenomena (material objects) as well as immaterial/conceptual phenomena (logical and mathematical objects).
Therefore, things that have no relatable properties cannot be proven to "exist" i.e. frequent arbitrary correlated behaviour is insufficient to prove existence of anything.
Example: If one is conditioned to dance upon hearing a finger snap, that in no way proves the existence of dancing. That is, while snapping of fingers proves the (prior) existence of fingers and dancing the prior existence of dancers, there are no relatable properties between the two that prove each others existence.For the case of “money" or more precisely its unit symbol upon which money’s existence depends, without any determinable necessary physical or logical relatable properties, there is no way to SCIENTIFICALLY determine any necessary causal relationship between said symbol and any behaviour, no matter how uniform that behaviour might be. Such that the existence of the behaviour cannot prove neither the existence of the unit symbol nor any set of conceptual (logical) properties that symbol might represent.
If said unit symbols have no independent logical or physical existence of their own and are not defined, then it necessarily follows that any associated behaviour cannot be said to be the result of the nature of said units but rather can only be the result of some other impulse.
Friend: So, even if money is inadequately defined, it exists as a social construct that results in purchasing power in the real empirical world.
Marc: No, without prior existence be it by valid relatable logical intenSional definition or independent existence, "money" cannot be said to "exist", all that can be said to exist is an arbitrary symbol with no definition of what that symbol represents. Since the manifestation of said symbol uses a varied array of physical supports, then it has no necessary physical properties either.
Things with independent physical existence of humans exist on their own merit independent of the extent of human understanding. Things without such independent physical existence require logic and conceptual definitions to exist (Note: logic exists independently of bumans). A symbol without any associated intensional definition can exist but represents literally NOTHING. To say that because the symbol exists and behaviours are made to correlate with its presence implies necessary existence of a concept, is a non-sequitur.
Truth is My God
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- Category: Learn
- Published on Friday, 10 May 2024 12:11
- Written by Super User
- Hits: 9579
Truth is My God
By Marc Gauvin
If the world was created by an external intelligent entity, the purpose could hardly be of this world. That purpose is the will of the "creator". The question is if the will of the creator is "good" or "evil".
The idea that good and evil are two sides of the same coin is just an idea that to be true, they should be perfectly homologous. But as C.S. Lewis points out, there is at least one fundamental difference between good and evil which is not homologous, i.e. good is done for its own sake while evil is always done for ulterior motives, we rarely if ever lie, cheat and harm for the sake of doing so. If the homology is lost then one of the two must
If this is the case then evil is deri is measured in terms of good but never the other way round and therefore only good can be the meta standard that ultimately defines evil never the other way round. What is true is above all that can be true or false.
Now comes the tricky question of us being created with free will, can we create "truth" or can we only perceive it? That is, do we do good for its own sake or do we do it for ulterior motives? Do we fear truth or do we love truth? Do give ourselves to truth or do we hide from it? Do we pretend to know how to judge it or do we accept its judgement? Do we serve Truth or do we use it? Is Truth not the Holiest of Spirits? Do we choose Truth as our God omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, all just, all forgiving, all giving,
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- Hits: 24642
A Timely Solution to the Millenary Problem of Money’s Core Misrepresentation
(An urgent communique to all economic agents public and private, particularly all levels of government, public administration, public and private financial entities and institutions.)
V.03 FINAL Sept 22nd 2023 (rev. 10 Nov 2023)
As a matter of utmost urgency we call for the adoption of the MSTA Resolutions (Annex I), for which we summarise the salient facts and consequences as follows:
1) Money/currency unit symbols are not formally defined as required for any determinate application of any mathematical expression in terms of said units to any independent common reality.
Consequence: Financial system imperatives are at best indeterminate vis a vis any real world societal needs and to claim any scientific/rational imperatives of these is a serious and perilous error.
2) By conflating the concepts of measure and commodity without consideration of how and/or when these two concepts are mutually exclusive, the colloquially and commonly assumed informal notion of money being used in lieu of any requisite formal definition, constitutes a logical incongruence. Such inconsistency is referred to as money’s core misrepresentation (Annex II).
Consequence: Any process no matter how compelling that in any way incorporates what can be shown to be invalid, cannot itself be considered valid.
3) Given said misrepresentation has been assumed universally by rote in all manner of money contracts and agreements and according to formal systems theory and proven practice (Annexes III, IV), said misrepresentation can be shown to cause systemic instability by allowing incoherent relations whereby money is used as a unit of measure to determine its own unit value in terms of variable quantities of itself, wholly invalidating any pretence of it acting as a valid measure/record/reference of value.
Consequence: Pursuant to formal systems theory and proven practice, imperatives that arise from using said misrepresentation by rote and as a foundational axiom, will lead to destabilisation of all concomitant processes and real world systems that incorporate the imperatives arising from said misrepresentation.
Such instability incites all agents to adopt evermore extravagant and otherwise unconscionable strategies, measures and policies, exacerbating overall systemic instability and risk (Annex IV). Thus leading to increased risk of harm, suffering, deterioration of life support systems and unwarranted exhaustion of vital resources.
4) The MSTA Resolutions provide an immediate remedy to all the above not only without cost or penalty to anyone but eliminating the vast majority of current financial risk [3]. By framing the money system in terms of formal control and stability theory and adhering to proven requirements for system stability, monetary stability is shown to be attainable by correcting money’s misrepresentation, formally defining currency symbols as only arbitrary units of value measure and strictly operating on them accordingly (Annexes III).
Consequence: Adopting the MSTA resolutions offers an immediate avenue to monetary stability validating its use as a reference of value and without any cost or penalty to any agent yet eliminating vast amounts of risk to the whole economy (Annex III). By money no longer acting as an article of trade, thus freeing the real economy from perilous financial cost and otherwise arbitrary risk, competition in terms of quality over quantity will be enhanced, while enabling a greater and more flexible inclusion, diversity of production, made impossible under money’s misrepresentation.
5) Principles of legal validity such as “Quae ab initio non valent, ex post facto convalescere non possunt” (what is initially invalid cannot be made valid by subsequent acts) [1] must supresede all considerations in order to determine justice. (Annex V)
Consequence: Common practice can only serve as a source of law if and only if said practice is not shown to be invalid and/or to contravene fundamental principles of law (truth, logic, natural law) (Annex V). Thus, the use of money’s misrepresentation as a foundational premise cannot be validated by appealing to “common practice” no matter how long standing that practice might be.
6) By logic and as explicitly set out in Anglo/American law [2] misrepresentation carries three levels of liability:
- Innocent (didn't know) e.g. most lay people;
- Negligent (didn't know but it is my job to know) e.g. all economic and financial experts and;
- Fraudulent i.e. all those with a reckless disregard for the misrepresentation.
Consequence: All those alerted to the existence of any claim of misrepresentation and who do not act to determine the truth of such a claim, are acting recklessly and therefore become potentially liable for fraudulent misrepresentation and any subsequent civil and penal charges.
From the above, it follows that it is the responsibility of ALL agents public and private habitually operating under money’s misrepresentation, to attend to the formal claim and proof of said misrepresentation and to either provide proof (of commensurate rigour and detail) to the contrary, or act in good will to remedy it by calling for the adoption of the MSTA Resolutions or their logical equivalent. To do otherwise, is to be delinquent in one’s civil duty and to become liable for “reckless disregard” as outlined in point 6) above. With respect to public entities, given their mandates to represent, serve and protect their constituents and their legitimate interests, any such reckless disregard is most harmful.
We therefore call on all to respond appropriately and consequentially by alerting others to the contents by sharing the link to this document as widely as possible.
Download the urgent communique with the annexes and suggested (editable) cover letter text, and share with all your contacts and public representatives.
Also see: Stop WWIII
[1] Black's law dictionary. HENRY CAMPBELL BLACK, M. A.. 1990.
[2] 2023 - Thomson Reuters Practical Law
[3] A WORLD AWASH IN MONEY Capital trends through 2020 Bain and Company. 2012 fig. 1.1. page 7.
Break out of "The Money PSYOP" and give your kids
a future they can be proud of you for by supporting the MSTA
The Way It Could Be
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- Category: Learn
- Published on Sunday, 17 March 2024 12:11
- Written by Super User
- Hits: 15517
The Way it Could Be
By Marc Gauvin
"...Why would one conclude that using money under its current misrepresentation is a valid means to ensure against abuse when misrepresentation is itself a legal offence as laid out in You Have Been Served? Why would one conclude that other extant social mechanisms are insufficient, making the coercive property of money's misrepresentation a requirement for society to function in a satisfactory way, when doing so necessarily invalidates money as a valid reference of value according to the logic and requirements of the science of measure?"
Referring to the day-to-day operation of a Passive money system as required by Resolution 2 of the MSTA Resolutions, where money is formally defined as solely a record/measure of value and strictly operated on accordingly, Micheal Haines asks:
"Can you describe how a person would set up a new business with new suppliers, including new logistics suppliers, new premises, new power and water, new staff, and new customers? Given the person has no 'units' to start with?"
First, all can open accounts under the definition and specification of Passive money as laid out on pages 8-11 of "A Systems Engineering Approach to Formal Monetary and Financial Stability Without the Vagaries of “Austerity”. Secondly, all participants of any new activity will be required to satisfy all legal and professional criteria, agreements and certifications in order to operate in most areas that carry social liability or require expertise. Next, the creation of a proposed enterprise will need the appropriate ratification of by all local, social, urban and environmental norms, contracts and expertise, as well as by the individual suppliers and participants of any related value chains. All this will be undertaken without any "supply of money" being required to "enable" economic enterprise on criteria exogenous to real world needs and requirements, yet any sums will be recorded in participant accounts immediately and as required for all (collectively) condoned, governed and ratified transactions.
Without money acting as a universal enabling trump card as is commonly the case today under money’s misrepresentation, common systemic corruption experienced by all at all levels, is made impossible. Instead, economic activity is enabled as desired according to the knowledge and expertise of the participants themselves, providing a most comprehensive and rigorous governance on the basis of the best available real world expertise of the needs and requirements of the activities themselves as opposed to the imperatives and vagaries of our current dysfunctional and inherently unstable haphazardly defined money system.
Governance will not only manifest at the level of formal legal and professional requirements but also at the level of social mores and cultural responsibility, in communities where individuals are empowered free of the vagaries of money’s misrepresentation.
Why would one conclude that using money under its current misrepresentation is a valid means to ensure against abuse when misrepresentation is itself a legal offence as laid out in You Have Been Served? Why would one conclude that other extant social mechanisms are insufficient, making the coercive property of money's misrepresentation a requirement for society to function in a satisfactory way, when doing so necessarily invalidates money as a valid reference of value according to the logic and requirements of the science of measure?
We can prove money's misrepresentation, how it creates systemic instability and how when agents at all levels of society rich and poor unwittingly abide by the imperatives of that misrepresentation, the dynamics of said instability become a "hidden hand" governing society beyond the will of anyone no matter their station in life. Thus, we are all prone to increasingly assume and accept what otherwise most all would consider unconscionable. If all this is true, why would we conclude that freeing the many other extant mechanisms for social control and governance from the vagaries of such systemic instability, would not lead to a vast improvement for all?
Who or what decides?
The current system is based on a misrepresentation, a primary cause of the ills that the system bills itself as its purpose to address. Since the measure of value is corrupted by the system itself, all other calculations in terms of it are also invalidated. So, correcting the misrepresentation is in and of itself a bonified solution.
"Money" as a mere record of value cannot be used as a control of economic activity because the moment it is used that way, the function of measure of value becomes biased and the system is rendered unstable and therefore unmanageable for the purpose of valid measure.
With a Passive system, we are guaranteed that the system itself cannot be responsible for what it registers but can only the activity it records can. Since, users expect reciprocation of their value from the system as a whole, the real concern is the risk of system wide catastrophic non reciprocation of value in general endemic of systems governed under money's misrepresentation. Control of risk cannot be reduced to merely distinguishing negative balances against positive ones, but rather identifying unstable activity that generates both "excessive" negative and positive balances. In this regard and should there be any marked increase of unreciprocated value in the system, a Passive system offers two mechanisms that the current system cannot, because its data is categorically invalid see (Risk Without Austerity):
- Reduce type B transactions. (Negative or zero buys from positive or zero (increases system balance)
- Increase type A transactions. (Positive buys from negative (reduces system balance)
Otherswise, what people can or cannot "afford" beyond fully adequate and quality minimums for all, can only be evaluated and awarded according to non monetary merits by a society free of money's misrepresentation.
1) What does it mean to have a balance?
A balance simply represents a measure of value given or received in the form of “goods and services” pending future reciprocation of “goods and services” of commensurate value.
2) Why bother keeping records?
To provide a valid measure of the relative value of a broad array of goods and services particularly those goods and services whose value is otherwise non divisible (non fungible).
3) Are there consequences flowing from the record?
The first consequence is the provision of a valid measure facilitating the evaluation of a broad array of goods and services over time, particularly non fungible goods/services. Secondly, identification of the origin and destination of value over time and overall performance and responsiveness of different agents’ and their productivity. Thirdly, the ability to optimise resource use and managing risk in general. Actuarial calculations will provide the means of identifying which transactions are potentially problematic given the circumstances and profiles of the parties involved.
4) Does every transaction have to be assessed?
All transactions are assessed by at least the parties to the transactions, most all of whom are knowledgeable of the exact purpose and utility of keeping value measure. All have access to common knowledge and data (e.g. the system balance) as well as particular information (e.g. participants’ balances and other data), in conjunction with relevant specialised knowledge and expertise of the requirements and effects of a responsible use of the corresponding products and services. Finally and depending on the circumstances of different goods and services with different associated risks, more elaborate and formal actuarial studies may be required to determine whether a particular transaction should or needs to take place or not.
Note: the financial risk component of actuarial calculations will be greatly reduced compared to today under money’s misrepresentation where finance itself produces the lion’s share of risk.
5) Is there a 'cumulative' assessment over time to assess risks based on past behaviour?
All with a history will be assessed by their peers to some or other degree, many transactions will require objective assessment and proof of past capabilities, successes and failures.
6) How does society guard against fraud?
By eliminating the misrepresentation of money and its nefarious consequences financial fraud as is known today, will carry far less risk. Nonetheless, all stakeholders (e.g. Central Bank, associated banking or credit institutions, public administrators and interested parties etc.) will be issued with periodic reports, audits and statements as required.
7) What are the consequences if a person fails to honour their commitments?
Depending on the extent, causes, consequences to others, presence or not of malfeasance or fraud, etc., the consequences may be any of a broad array of legal and social measures to redistribute assets when possible and take preventative measures.
8) What is the basis for assessing risk? Is it income and/or assets based and/or history/character?
Operations research (OR) has proven highly successful in decision making on the basis of a wide range of categories of risk, e.g. risk of producing certain products vs others, enterprise failure, reliability, environmental consequences, rates of depreciation, force majeur. etc..
Note: In a system where money only represents a record/measure of the value of goods and services pending reciprocation oscillations of balances around a mean value of zero are clearly more efficient than those that oscillate around a non zero mean. Also, value measure on account is only of what is pending reciprocation not of all free-hold assets producers may accumulate in exchange for their added value (work and knowledge).
9) Who does these calculations?
Those trained in OR and actuarial science (simplified by eliminating compounding in finance)
10) Who pays them to do the calculations?
Like any good/service transacted there is a provider and a recipient.
11) How is their pay calculated? Is it dependent upon the 'size' of the transaction?
Like any other transaction of goods or services, it is based on a measure of value of the service itself not that of the value for which the service is provided.
12) Who checks that actual experience conforms to their calculations over time?
Everyone will be able to evaluate the goodness of any service given its specification and warranty.
13) How is this check done?
Evaluating experience vs specification and warranty.
14) Who pays for the check?
Like any good/service transacted the agreed value is summed to the providers balance and subtracted from the recipient balance.
15) How is the cost of the check calculated?
Like any other goods or services, it is based on the cost and value of providing the service.
16) What if actual experience results in a 'shortfall' vs the assessed risk?
If a good/service fails, then the previous answer 7) applies.
17) Who determines there is a shortfall, and the size of the shortfall?
Depending on the failure either it is obviously assessed by most anyone and if required expert witnesses and a court of law may be required.
18) What happens when it is determined that the shortfall can never be recovered
Value lost is a fact of life and only compensated by doing things better in the future using valid measures.
Break out of "The Money PSYOP" and give your kids
a future they can be proud of you for by supporting the MSTA
- Details
- Category: Learn
- Published on Saturday, 30 September 2023 12:11
- Written by Super User
- Hits: 16602
By Marc Gauvin
You Have Been Served!
Only when the "logical" alternative seems worse, does bullying and the real threat of war become an option for any empire. Economic collapse is such a dreaded alternative outcome. The US is in such a situation, if the promise of "finance" is required to be "honoured", then the US will not only lose its prominence but its whole economy and current infrastructure will collapse producing mass poverty and misery, not to speak of the devastation of the real prospect of civil war.
All you have to do to see this, is to divide the US $33 trillion public debt by the US population and you get $100,000 per capita debt or $400,000 for a household of four and then calculate the rate of inflation required to offset that debt, you quickly understand how that would bring the economy to tatters and how collapse of the social order and widespread poverty and misery become inevitable.
Compounding is another term for exponential, literally a doubling per unit of time. While it might seem possible to offset with greater and greater production of value, the reality is that by definition it is unstable and therefore wholly unmanageable not to mention that perpetual growth is simply a pipe dream. The proof is in the pudding, the US can no longer offset its financial excesses with its industrial and technological prowess, the numbers show that the output has always been unstable (unbounded), hence we have no proof or precedence that it has ever been "manageable". This explains the US recourse to increased bullying and now the real threat of WWIII, likely to become nuclear!
Notice how all this is predicated on the validity of financial contracts and agreements at all levels. But are they valid and what to do if they turn out not to be? Does the world end? No and here is why:
Here and at the MSTA, we have unequivocally proven that the very notion of money we ALL use by rote and that therefore underpins all money contracts, constitutes a logical and mathematical absurdity, that we refer to as money's logical core misrepresentation. Simply put, the notion that money can be both a measure/record of value AND an article of trade/commodity is wholly untenable under the scrutiny of formal logic as both concepts are mutually exclusive and logically contradictory. Since that is necessarily the case, then any pretense of any valid measure within said contracts is categorically denied. As a direct consequence of this, all money contracts that assume said misrepresentation or any of its imperatives, must also be unactionable at least in terms of said misrepresentation.
So, how does this help us to remove the looming threat of WWIII?
By recognising the invalidity of the financial promises that threaten destruction of the US, the doomsday alternative no longer serves as a worse alternative to war. This doesn't mean that balance of trade need not be reciprocated, just that the distortion introduced by money's misrepresentation once removed, will enable us doing so with valid stable measures manageable over more flexibly negotiated periods of time and without the need for the vagaries of "austerity" i.e. managing risk without austerity. Creditors will gladly accept, because a third world war risks either their subjugation in the case of a US victory, or in the case of US defeat, not being able to offset unprecedented damage incurred.
Money in contracts has the function of measure i.e. measure of the value of goods and services.
But treating money also as an asset subject to market supply and demand destroys its function of measure.
The balance of trade of the value of real goods and services can be measured* to reveal a truer more realistic "balance of trade".
Once a balance of trade in terms of valid (stable) measures of value has been established, any outstanding balances on the part of any party can be honoured within negotiated periods of time that avoid the need for implementing damaging and debilitating "austerity".
To learn more of how to achieve this and your personal role see: You Have Been Served!
*The science of dynamical systems theory as applied to money, provides a fully valid and relevant means for defining and specifying stable currency units for the representation of value over time that economic and financial theory has shown to be incapable of.
Break out of "The Money PSYOP" and give your kids
a future they can be proud of you for by supporting the MSTA