Truth is My God

Truth is My God

By Marc Gauvin

Copyright © 03/2024
Reproduction expressly granted provided attribution is given and original link is provided.

If the world was created by an external intelligent entity, the purpose could hardly be of this world. That purpose is the will of the "creator". The question is if the will of the creator is "good" or "evil".

The idea that good and evil are two sides of the same coin is just an idea that to be true, they should be perfectly homologous. But as C.S. Lewis points out, there is at least one fundamental difference between good and evil which is not homologous, i.e. good is done for its own sake while evil is always done for ulterior motives, we rarely if ever lie, cheat and harm for the sake of doing so. If the homology is lost then one of the two must

If this is the case then evil is deri is measured in terms of good but never the other way round and therefore only good can be the meta standard that ultimately defines evil never the other way round. What is true is above all that can be true or false.

Now comes the tricky question of us being created with free will, can we create "truth" or can we only perceive it? That is, do we do good for its own sake or do we do it for ulterior motives? Do we fear truth or do we love truth? Do give ourselves to truth or do we hide from it? Do we pretend to know how to judge it or do we accept its judgement? Do we serve Truth or do we use it? Is Truth not the Holiest of Spirits? Do we choose Truth as our God omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, all just, all forgiving, all giving,

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